Welcome to our Neighbourhood Plan website

Formal Decision Made - Summer 2021

Leeds City Council has published a Decision Statement formally making Shadwell Neighbourhood Development Plan part of the Leeds Development Plan.

Referendum Result - Spring 2021

I Kate Sadler being the Deputy Counting Officer at the Referendum for the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan held on Thursday 6 May 2021 do hereby give notice that the number of votes cast is as follows:


"Do you want Leeds City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Shadwell to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

  Votes recorded Percentage
Number of votes cast in favour of 'YES' 718 92%
Number of votes cast in favour of 'NO' 60 8%

The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

a) want of official mark 0
b) voting for more than one answer 1
c) writing or mark by which the voter could be identified 7
d) being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 0

 I hereby declare that more than half of those voting have voted IN FAVOUR of the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan.

Electorate:            1534            Turnout:            51%

Dated:                  Saturday 8 May 2021

Signed: K Sadler
(Deputy Counting Officer)

Referendum Details - Spring 2021

The referendum on Shadwell’s Neighbourhood Plan is to be held on 6th May 2021 alongside the local government elections.

As already noted, the referendum documents can be viewed on the Leeds City Council's Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan page, but here is a summary of how the Neighbourhood Plan got to this point [Editor’s note: That plan page is no longer available on the Leeds City Council site and the link no longer works.]:

  • The plan has been prepared by a Steering Group appointed by the Parish Council
  • Work started in 2012 as a way to influence and shape the nature and scale of development of Shadwell
  • The plan has been informed by a programme of consultation and engagement within the village
  • It contains policies and projects to promote sustainability in the village
  • An independent examiner has recommended that the plan meets the basic conditions and legal requirements and can therefore go to referendum
  • The referendum will be run similar to local elections

Who can vote

The referendum will be held in line with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

A person is entitled to vote in the referendum if both:

  • they are entitled to vote in an election of any councillor of Leeds City Council whose area is in the referendum area
  • their qualifying address for the election is in the referendum area

A person's qualifying address is, in relation to a person registered in the register of electors, the address in respect of which they are entitled to be so registered.

Voting logistics

Last Date for Registration --- Monday 19 April 2021
Receipt of Postal Vote Applications --- 5:00 pm, Tuesday 20 April 2021
Receipt of Proxy Vote Applications --- 5:00 pm Tuesday 27 April 2021
Receipt of Emergency Proxy Vote Applications --- 5:00 pm Thursday 6 May 2021

Details of Polling Stations and Covid 19 rules to follow.

Postal Votes cover the Local Elections and the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum.

Referendum Version of the Neighbourhood Plan - Autumn 2020

A referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan has been produced and can be viewed here, together with high-resolution copies of the maps. These documents are also on Leeds City Council's Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan page. [Editor’s note: That plan page is no longer available on the Leeds City Council site and the link no longer works.]

The referendum will be held in or after May 2021 and will be announced here when the date has been set.

Leeds City Council Decision Statement - Autumn 2020

Leeds City Council has confirmed that it will make modifications to the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with the Examiner's recommendations, whereupon it will proceed to a referendum.

See the full Decision Statement.

Examiner's Report - Autumn 2020

The Examiner, Tony Burton, has produced his final report which recommends that the Neighbourhood Plan, subject to a few modifications, proceeds to referendum. He says "The evident commitment of all those who have worked so hard over such a long period of time to prepare the Plan is to be commended". Most of the proposed modifications involve minor wording changes, many of which will improve the use of the Plan, the essence of which remains intact.

Leeds City Council will shortly prepare their decision statement on the Examiner's recommendations and we will prepare the final version of the Plan for referendum. In view of the current situation, the referendum will not be held until May 2021 at the earliest, but in the meantime the Neighbourhood Plan can be given significant weight in determining planning applications.

See the Examiner's Report for details.

Submission Consultation - Summer 2020

Shadwell Parish Council has submitted the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to Leeds City Council for independent examination. Under paragraph 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the Council is publicising the plan and seeking comments from those who live, work or carry out business in the Shadwell Neighbourhood Area and any consultation body referred to in the submitted consultation statement. The consultation runs for 8 weeks between Monday 15 June and Monday 10 August (closing at 5pm).

Members of the Leeds City Council Neighbourhood Planning Team are willing to discuss the neighbourhood plan over the phone by appointment, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 0113 37 87997 to make arrangements.

See Consultation for details.

Postponement of Consultation of the NP

In view of the statement by the Prime Minister on 23 March 2020, the start of the Regulation 16 Publicity and Consultation is now postponed, to enable proper consultation to take place when it becomes possible.

Submission of Neighbourhood Plan Spring 2020

Following comments received during the Pre-submission consultation the Neighbourhood Plan has been amended and has now been submitted to Leeds City Council for examination by an Independent Examiner.

Pre-Submission Consultation, Autumn 2018

The consultation period is now over. Thank you for all your comments, which will be taken into account in preparing the final version of the document for Submission.

Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan, Public Consultation

A public consultation was held on 7 April 2018 in Shadwell Library.

This was an opportunity for residents to give their opinion on the policy intentions for the draft plan, and draft policies. These policies are the means by which we can help to achieve the agreed vision for Shadwell in future. The attendance and responses were very good. If you missed the consultation, you can still submit your views by downloading the Policies Questions questionnaire. The completed form should be left at the Post Office/shop up to 22 April. You will find it useful to look at the Shadwell NP Policy Intentions April 2018 and Shadwell NP Draft Maps document before completing the form.

January 2018

Over the past few months, the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has been revising the draft plan in the light of examiners’ reports on other neighbourhood plans and following consultation with Leeds planning officers. We are aiming to get local community views soon on the revised policy intentions in a document setting out the evidence for the proposed policies and relating each to national and Leeds’ local policies. Following that, a further "pre-submission" draft Plan will be prepared for public consultation before an official submission to the Council, who will arrange the Examination.

It is essential that the Neighbourhood Plan can deliver on its policies and help fulfil the vision and objectives for Shadwell previously agreed. It must also conform to all the regulations and have the backing of the local community.  Before we get to the point of Examination there are several consultation and discussion processes, formal and informal, to go through, but it is hoped the Referendum on the Plan could be held mid-2019.

December 2017

A Community Walkabout was held on Saturday 2nd December 2017. Led by our consultant, planner and architect Peter Baker, we looked at what is important about the village character, its features and facilities, and how they can be maintained and improved. This was an opportunity to help shape the details of the Neighbourhood Plan, to guide future changes to Shadwell.

October 2017

We are pleased to be able to announce that we have recently received a further Grant from the Community Rights Programme, funded by the Dept. for Community and Local Government, which enables us to take further steps in the process towards the completion of the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan. The Steering Committee met last night. We intend to post revised documents, announcements, and other community engagement information about the NP on this website.

June 2017

We are currently seeking further funding to allow us to overhaul this website and to take our Plan to a successful conclusion. We are encouraged by the recent success of Clifford, whose NP was recently "made" after a similar long and laborious process. You can download our current Draft Plan (Version 2) from the link at the top of this page. Some amendments are planned, following advice from Leeds City Council, and our Planning Professional.