15/10/2018 SC Agenda
Meeting to be held at 6pm Monday 15 October 2018.
At the Library, Main Street Shadwell.
- To open the meeting, accept apologies for absence, and seek a volunteer to write the Minutes, based on previous Minutes documents.
- To agree the Minutes from 11 September 2018, and briefly discuss any updates relating to those Minutes.
- Congratulations to our consultant Peter Baker. Holbeck NP (consultant PB) received a commendation at the recent RTPI event.
- Update from JT.
- The GDPR issue was resolved. An amended version was included on the feedback forms.
- The consultation is underway, and everything has been done as planned.
- The flyer and feedback forms were printed and distributed throughout the village.
- The online web page feedback submission page was resolved and made live at the start of the consultation.
- Social media. Members were asked to give coverage. What progress was made with this?
- A small number of prints of the full 81 page plan were made. Copies were placed, by agreement, in the Library and the Post Office/shop, along with feedback forms, to be collected in each place. They will also be available as part of the open day.
- A banner was produced, and fixed to the Library wall, to promote the consultation.
- An announcement was made about the consultation, at the Village Hall Quiz Night, Friday 28 September, to encourage participation.
- A list of official bodies and landowners who could be affected by the plan, as complete as known, was given to the Parish Council Clerk to contact, to invite comments, He will assemble responses at the end of the consultation and pass them on to us to record and consider.
- The “Shadwell Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report” was uploaded to the website, in “documents”, along with the full draft plan, maps, flyer and printable feedback form.
- Holywell Triangle Conservation Area, update. The PC has submitted support, but we still await the letter/s from the Ward Councillors/s.
- Update from PB. To report on progress with the open day display materials etc. Also, to report that the Shadwell NP will be discussed at the City Planning Board on Monday 15 October.
- To discuss final arrangements for the public open meeting on Saturday 20 October at the Library, 10 am to 1 pm.
- Any other business?
- To consider the date of the next meeting. Possibly Tuesday 13 November. Consider what remains to be done by the committee, and PB to explain the remaining stages.