29/11/2012 SC Minutes




Present: CHAIR: Debbie Potter (DP), Denise Simpson (SPC), Denise Trickett (SPC and Minutes), Rob Wilkinson (RW), Nick Manaton (NM), Jeremy Thompson (JT), Jamie Gadong (JG), George Crowther (GC), Andrew Watson (AW)

Research Study: Katherine Brookfield (University Southampton), Kate McKinley (KM)

Apologies: Graham Smith, Helen Jordan, Marcus Westmorland, George Crowther, Ian Halmshaw, Andy McKinley, Frank Reynolds, Steven Gee, Robert Dyson


Item 1 - Apologies

As above.


Item 2 - Minutes of the last meeting



Item 3 - Matters arising (not covered on agenda)

Brainstorm of how to engage the whole village. Numerous ideas shared eg. PC Newsletter, attend and address community meetings, Cllr. Robinson letter, knock on doors, additional letter.

Discussion on Open Day (Item 10 on agenda). Agreed Open Day, 19th Jan at Village Hall, 10am -4pm, after delivery of questionnaires, to support completion of questionnaires.

JT to think about display along the lines of Clifford’s Open Day.( see minutes 8.11.12 re JT’s visit to Clifford)

See Point 6


  • DP to book Village Hall.
  • DP to look into getting banner.
  • JT to decide what we are going to do on Open day - link with DP
  • NM to take photos of SHLAA sites


Item 4 - Conflict of Interest

GC introduced discussion on map identifying the areas of the village represented by the Steering Group.

Agreed this was a good spread over the whole village.


  • GC to put on website.


Item 5 - Bardsey Open Day

HJ attended the Open Day. DP fed back on behalf of HJ


Item 6 - Village Questionnaire

This had been amended following the last meeting and e mailed to the Steering Group. The questionnaire was scrutinised by all present and further changes made. Thank you to the Communications Sub Committee for the work they have done on this.

Agreed questionnaire to go out on 12th January and to be returned by 14th February.

Flyer to go out with questionnaire re Open Day.

Agreed name of group should be SHADWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN GROUP (SNPG).

Agreed not to do a Youth Questionnaire on the grounds that the questionnaire should be completed by the household.

We need 900 copies, 8 pages. IH had got quote for printing.


  • KM to make amendments, link with IH and e mail to Steering Group.
  • IH KM to draft flyer
  • All to use consistent name.
  • AW to look into other quotes for printing. JG to see if he can print at work.


Item 7 - Finance

No report


Item 8 - Project Plan

RW has started this - will now develop plan for next 6 months.

End of March target date for Version 1.

Agreed it was not necessary to follow the Walton Plan completely.


  • RW to develop plan.
  • DT DP to ask RD about the historical part.


Item 12 - Update on website

SG emailed Steering Group 29.11.12 with report on website


Item 16 - Dates of next meetings

  • 10th January
  • 24th January
  • 28th February 8pm Recreation Centre