11/09/2018 SC Minutes


Meeting held at 8 pm on Tuesday, 11 September 2018
At Shadwell Library, Main Street, Shadwell


P R E S E N T: Jeremy Thompson, Chair
  Nick Manaton
  Debbie Potter
In attendance: Peter Baker
  Abbie Miladinovic

Item 1 – Apologies for absence

Apologies from DT, ES, IH, HJ.

Item 2 – To agree minutes

Minutes from 24 July 2018 were agreed.

Item 3 – GDPR

AM will send us a copy of the response forms used by LCC, to show the privacy statement used, as a guide. This will be amended as appropriate, and added to the NP Pre-submission Public Consultation flyer.

Item 4 – Holywell Triangle Conservation Area Assessment.

Update by JT.

The Parish Council had raised a query regarding the status of the Recreational Centre in the draft document. There is nothing in the proposed CAA, (or the proposed Neighbourhood Plan) which would prevent appropriate redevelopment of the Recreation Centre for a similar function with better facilities.

The Parish Council will send a letter of general support, and JT will ask the Ward Councillors to do the same, which will enable LCC to take the process to the next stage. The CAA will then be sent to consultees, with LCC arranging a public meeting, inviting local comments, before it is adopted.

Item 5 – Newsletter

A short article was included in the September PC newsletter, giving dates for the 6-week Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Public Consultation, and information on the open day at the Library on 20 October 2018 from 10am to 1pm.

Item 6 – Pre-submission Issues and 'to do' List

A 2-page flyer giving a summary of the plan, with a feedback form and an invitation to the Open Day, has been prepared by PB. JT to provide an introduction, and arrange printing of 900 copies, for hand delivery to all households in the NP area, by the Parish Council Newsletter distribution team. This will also be uploaded to the website.

JT will arrange for the most recent draft of the Plan and maps to be uploaded to the website, and also arrange for a limited number of Plans, together with maps, (all 81 pages) to be printed. One set each to be made available in the Library and Post Office/shop from the start of the Consultation period, and others to be available to look at on the open day. Public feedback to be made, preferably by using the "submit only" feedback page on the website, or by leaving paper feedback forms at the Library or Post Office/shop. It was decided that full personal details for each responder are not needed, but that a postcode is needed, so we can assess the area coverage of comments in a subsequent summary of responses.

Open day planning: JT to organize a banner to promote the open day and also the website, which is the best way to fully see and understand the Draft Plan. JT to email volunteers asking them to help on the day. This will be the last consultation event.

Tea, coffee and biscuits to be purchased.

PB to produce display materials.

Item 7 – Any Other Business

The Draft Plan and maps to be sent to statutory consultees by email. PB.

Also, the Draft Plan and maps to be sent to all known affected landowners and other interested parties (wherever contact details are known) by the Parish Council Clerk early in the consultation period.

AM has sent the Plan and maps to appropriate LCC departments.

All responses will be collected and summarized shortly after the Consultation Period, and retained for later inspection by the Examiner if required.

AM led a brief discussion on the "Shadwell Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report" produced by LCC, which is a formal requirement, to be made available in "documents" on the website. It is considered that an SEA or full HRA assessment is not required for the draft NP (see page 18).

JT to arrange upload.

Item 8 – Date of next meetings

Monday 15 October at 6 pm in the Library.

Please note the early start time.