28/07/2015 SC Minutes

Minutes of the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Held on Tuesday, 28 July 2015 at Shadwell Library


PRESENT: Debbie Potter (Chair), Ian Halmshaw, Helen Jordan, Nick Manaton, Alice Pratt, Jeremy Thompson, Peter Baker

APOLOGIES: George Crowther, Steve Gee, Andy McKinley, Graham Smith, Norman Taylor, Denise Trickett


Item 1 – Apologies for absence

As noted above


Item 2 – Minutes from 9 April 2015



Item 3 – Review of Membership

As above.


Item 4 – To consider Response from LCC

Ian Mackay had responded to our Draft NP on 12 May.  Peter had taken these comments on board and produced a Policy Analysis.  This was discussed in conjunction with the Draft NP document and Mr Mackay’s email response, and accordingly, certain changes agreed. 

It was agreed that we know need a meeting with Ian Mackay and Peter will contact him to arrange a suitable date.  It was agreed that this should be as soon as possible.  One or more of the Steering Group will attend the meeting. 


Item 5 – Grant Funding

Jeremy prepared the application 2 months ago.  There was an issue regarding the VAT situation which has since been clarified by the PC.  The grant lasts for a 6 month period, and the application has to include a list of what we hope to achieve during the 6 months.  It was agreed we cannot submit the application until after the meeting with Mr Mackay.  After this, a 6 month plan will be agreed.


Item 6 – Next Steps

Meeting with Ian Mackay


Item 7 – Any Other Business

Website:  Ian to contact Steve to discuss access to the site by another Steering Group member.

Linton with Collingham NP is on line and members had looked at this.


Item 8 – Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged following meeting with Ian Mackay.