29/05/2018 SC Minutes
Meeting held at 8 pm on Tuesday, 29 May 2018
At Shadwell Library, Main Street, Shadwell
P R E S E N T: | Jeremy Thompson, Chair |
Ian Halmshaw | |
Helen Jordan | |
Nick Manaton | |
Debbie Potter | |
In attendance: | Peter Baker |
Item 1 – Apologies for absence
Apologies from DT, ES, AP.
Item 2 – To agree minutes
Minutes from 24 April 2018 were agreed.
Item 3 – Update from PB
The first pre-submission draft has now been substantially completed and amended to respond to the comments from Ian MacKay at Leeds City Council. Some photographs are still needed, and then some further comments from LCC, but then it will be the document which will go out to the public as the Draft Plan. It will also go to statutory consultees, as advised by LCC, for their comments.
The adjustments as detailed in the minutes of 24 April have been implemented. Other changes include:
- INTRODUCTION - additional introduction paragraphs setting out the structure of the plan
- OBJECTIVES - adding in the objectives each policy is attempting to address
- POLICY INF1 – Necessary amendments to the wording have been made.
- POLICY HOU1 – Revised version of NPPF gives definition of ‘Old People’ as ‘People over or approaching retirement age, from the active to the very immobile’. Research which PB has viewed indicated that 77% of older people do not want to leave their homes. The policy has been updated.
- LOCAL GREEN SPACES - appendix now includes the detailed maps sent by Abbie Miladinovic (LCC). Discussion on Red Lion ‘lost garden’ took place. It will be included as an LGS to help protection for the trees, if it can’t be used as a garden. It was established that this piece of land is within the Green Belt, so development unlikely. There will be further discussion with Highways regarding LGSs in highway land.
- NON-DESIGNATED HERITAGE ASSETS: Norwood House, Old Brandon Lane, has been included in this list. PB has added a short note on the history of Shadwell and a list of Listed Buildings to the appendix with the detailed NDHA appraisal.
- NP TIMINGS: LCC to decide whether a strategic environmental assessment is required. Our Plan is to be screened for this. PB to send the Plan to LCC on 30 May. Advice will be taken from Ian Mackay and Abbie Miladinovic as to whether the Plan can go forward to Pre-Submission for consultation. This consultation runs for 6 weeks and it was agreed that the document should be on the website and available in the Library and at the Post Office during that time, with a drop-in event held during the period. Agreed the 6 weeks running from mid-September to end October would be preferable.
Item 4 – Funding
JT has applied for the next grant, which is needed for Consultants fees, hire of the Library, printing etc. The application was submitted on 22 May. Notification should be received within 15 days. Applied for, approximately ₤3,500, the maximum available, to be spent between 1 July 2018 and 31 March 2019.
Item 5 – OS Trig Point
HDJ to look for written evidence.
Item 6 – Photographs for the Draft Plan
NM & HDJ will divide up the list received from Peter. Photos needed as soon as possible in July.
Item 7 – Any Other Business
Holywell Lane Conservation Area assessment, JT to carry out amendments which are required by LCC.
Item 8 – Date of next meetings
Tuesday, 26 June (apologies from IH and NM)
Tuesday, 24 July
Both dates are provisional, and will be discussed by email mid-June.