15/10/2018 SC Minutes
Meeting held at 6 pm on Monday, 15 October 2018
At Shadwell Library, Main Street, Shadwell
P R E S E N T: | Jeremy Thompson, Chair |
Nick Manaton | |
Debbie Potter | |
Helen Jordan | |
Denise Trickett | |
In attendance: | Peter Baker |
Item 1 – Apologies for absence
Apologies from ES, IH.
Item 2 – To agree minutes
Minutes from 11 September 2018 were agreed.
Item 3 – Congratulations
Congratulations were expressed to PB as consultant to the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan, which had received a Commendation at the recent RTPI event.
Item 4 – Update from JT
The GDPR issue was resolved. An amended version was included on the feedback forms.
The public consultation is underway, and everything has been done as planned.
The flyer and feedback forms were distributed to every household and business address within the NP area.
The online web page feedback submission page was resolved and made live at the start of the consultation. Many thanks are due to our IT consultant Simon Dobson. The functionality has been re-checked several times in the following days.
“Social media”---members had been asked to provide coverage. Little progress seems to have been made on this, but DT volunteered to seek help to publicise the open meeting on the “Shadwell Chat” forum.
A small number of printed versions of the full draft, with maps, were made, at a cost of £113.00. Copies were placed, by agreement, in the Library and the Post Office/shop, along with feedback forms, to be collected in each place. They will also be available to look at on the open day.
A vinyl banner was produced, and fixed to the wall of the Library, to promote the consultation, the open day and the website.
An announcement was made about the consultation, open day and web site, at the Village Hall quiz night, Friday 28 October, to encourage participation.
A list of official bodies and landowners who could be affected by the Plan, as complete as known, was given to the Parish Council Clerk to contact, to invite comments. He will assemble responses at the end of the consultation and pass them on to us to record and consider, and take any appropriate actions.
Our three Ward Councillors and our MP were invited to attend the open day.
Following advice from the City Council, the “Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report” was uploaded to the website (to “documents”) along with the full draft plan, maps, flyer and printable feedback form. Full assessment was not required as the area covered by the NP is more than 5km from the nearest site of any protected species.
Holywell Triangle Conservation Area Assessment, update. The Parish Council and the three Ward Councillors have submitted support letters, enabling the CAA to move to the next stages.
Item 5 – Update from PB
The display materials and maps are all ready to be used at the open day.
Shadwell NP - Remaining stages.
- Assess comments from the pre-submission consultation and amend where required.
- Finalise the NP and all maps.
- Prepare Consultation Statement, detailing all consultation to date.
- Prepare Basic Conditions Statement to demonstrate that the NP:
- Conforms with the NPPF
- Conforms with LCC Local Development Framework (Core Strategy etc)
- Contributes to sustainability
- Is compatible with EU legislation
- Put all above documents plus any evidence documents on the website.
- Submit for examination (having agreed an examiner with LCC)
- LCC to publish the NP on their website with a Reg 16 notice for a 6 week representation period, prior to examination starting.
- Examination. Unlikely to be a public hearing. Examiner may ask questions by letter.
- Examiners report with recommendations for any modifications (LCC can decide to accept or not—has never rejected any modifications yet)
- Make amendments.
- Referendum. Requires a simple majority of those voting.
- LCC to formally “make” (adopt) the NP within 8 weeks.
Timescale. Taking the Holbeck NP as a precedent:
- Pre-submission consultation: May-July 2016
- Submission: January 2017
- Referendum: March 2018
- Made: April 2018
However, it should not take as long between Pre-submission and Submission in Shadwell’s case, nor as long between submission and referendum, though that depends on the outcome of the Examination.
Item 6 - To discuss final arrangements for the Public Open Meeting
An extra banner, recycled and amended from an earlier consultation, would be fixed outside the Library the day before the Open Day, for additional impact.
PB requested volunteers to arrive at 9.30 am to help set up the display tables with maps and excerpts from the Draft Plan, which he would supply.
ST’s offer to supply refreshments on the day was greatly appreciated.
A local map would be supplied so that the approximate home postcodes of attenders could be shown, to demonstrate the geographic spread.
Volunteers were sought for the open day. HJ and IH gave their apologies as unavailable on the day.
Item 7 - Any other business
Members should encourage local feedback responses.
Item 8 - Date of next meeting
Thursday 22 November, 8pm, HJ kindly offered to host.