27/03/2018 SC Minutes


Meeting held at 8.00 pm Tuesday, 27 March 2018

At the Library, Main Street, Shadwell.


Item 1 - To open the meeting, accept apologies for absence and seek a volunteer to write the draft minutes.

Apologies: from NM, IH, DP.

Present: JT (Chair) HJ, PB, DT.

HJ agreed to write the draft minutes

Item 2 - To agree the Minutes from 27 February 2018, and briefly discuss any updates relating to those minutes.

Agreed, and will be uploaded to the website.

For information it was stated that the requested information had been received from 6/7 of the community facilities.

Item 3 - The arrangements for the community consultation on 7/4/2018 at the Library were discussed:

  • DT gave her apologies for 7/4/2018.
  • PB indicated that he would produce extracts from the policy intentions documents, and also a few full printed copies of the draft policy, to look at on site.
  • Also maps showing: the village envelope, positive design, character areas and non-designated heritage assets, green spaces and community facilities.
  • A small response form would be required to obtain views on local green spaces, assets and community facilities.
  • The documents should be placed on the display boards or tables for display.
  • Questions to be asked should include "do you agree with the policy intentions, the non-designated community assets and green spaces?"
  • The consultation should be advertised on Facebook, Shadwell village chat, community notice boards at the Library, at the Parish Council and on the village website. JT to produce a small notice to print off and distribute.
  • A request should be made to the Parish Council Clerk to distribute the notice to the various village community facilities, societies and associations.

Item 4 - Future funding for the NP.

JT reported that he is investigating further funding availability.

Item 5 - Any other business

  • It was agreed to invite the Leeds City Council NP Liaison officer to the next NP meeting on 24/4/18.
  • The website was discussed. JT confirmed that the original survey results covering 97 pages have been simplified and uploaded. The bar charts are fully shown, but not each individual response.
  • DP had earlier asked whether the allotments should be considered for the Assets of Community Value list. It was decided that it was a Parish Council matter, but that in any event the allotments are designated as local green space on the draft local plan. JT proposed that the plan should be amended to include "retain existing allotments".
  • The recent and unexpected tree felling next to the ring road at the southern edge of the NP area, which has shocked many local people - JT expressed his opinion that some felling was justified for road alterations, but there had been no apparent requirement to remove so many trees, and that the very extensive tree felling was not shown at consultation stage. City Cllr. Matthew Robinson has requested and received further information about the felling from the City Council.
  • PB pointed out that LCC had not indicated a timetable for the planting of the proposed "wet woodland" in that locality.

Item 6 - Date of next meeting

24/4/2018. Proposed further meeting Tuesday 22/5/2018 tbc.