24/04/2018 SC Minutes
Meeting Held at 6pm Tuesday 24 April 2018
at the Library, Main Street Shadwell.
Item 1 – To open the meeting, accept apologies for absence, and seek a volunteer to write the draft minutes
Apologies: ES
Present: JT (chair) DP, PB, NM, DT, IH, HJ and Abbie Miladinovic from LCC
HDJ gave her apologies for leaving the meeting at 6.30pm.
HDJ and DP agreed to take and draft the minutes of the meeting.
Item 2 – To agree minutes from the meeting on 27/03/18
Agreed, and will be uploaded to the website.
Item 3 – Discussion on informal LCC comments: Abbie Miladinovic.
AM was welcomed to the meeting and introduced to the members of the Steering Committee who were present.
The LCC Informal Comments (March 2018) was handed to the meeting.
PB indicated that a lot of matters raised could be adjusted by him and sent to AM for her views on the proposed changes.
Whilst the informal comments were discussed item by item, it was agreed that each and every proposed response does not need to be minuted, except:
- Agreed to adjust Vision so that it was a paragraph or bullet points rather than a table. As the essence would be the same as the 2014 draft, this would hopefully avoid the requirement for a further consultation prior to the pre-submission consultation
- Agreed to remove Objective re Right to Bid for community facilities as this is a Parish Council, not a Neighbourhood Plan matter
- Agreed that PB would reconsider Policy INF1 to remove confusion between services as intended (telecoms, energy etc.) and services as assumed by LCC (social type services). As the policy is now essentially a design policy, it could be removed and incorporated into HLC3 Positive Design
PB indicated that as the Core Strategy Review (still being finalized) includes an extended plan date of 2033, it could push the end date of the Shadwell NP from 2028 to 2033. AM indicated that Leeds City Council are hoping to publish the Core Strategy by October 2018, so it depends on the relative timings of the CS and the NP.
In addition, the Government is proposing changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This will involve changing all the NP references to specific paragraphs of the NPPF to reflect the revised NPPF, when it is agreed.
PB to produce a list of photographs for HDJ to take – for local green spaces, non-designated heritage assets, and area character appraisals. NM offered to help with photography
Policy ENV3 – Local Green Spaces: AM was asked to supply PB with larger scale maps to show the Local Green Spaces. We can then discuss with Highways their reasons for concerns of LGS 4, 7, 9 and 11.
Policy HOU1 – Housing Mix: (14.3 &13.4). PB will re-look at the wording of this policy as there is no legal definition of “elderly”.
Item 4 – Discussion on the Community Consultation event held 7 April at the Library.
JT reported on the consultation. It was well attended, with several volunteers and at least 25 attendees, with 17 questionnaires returned. Those attending were spread across the whole village, except from the Shadwell Park estate.
- There were no complaints about the policies
- There were generally positive comments about the document
- Some issues were raised, such as parking near the school
- Suggestion to add the school grounds and the Red Lion lost garden (towards Colliers Lane) to the green spaces list
The OS Triangulation Point in Dan Quarry had been raised as a possible non-designated heritage asset. AM agreed to check on old OS Maps for this.
JT to send a summary of comments made at the event to PB.
Item 5 - End of Grant Reporting and future funding
There was an underspend of £92.00 which we are obliged to return, and this will be done urgently by the Parish Council. The end of Grant report was submitted in time.
As soon as the underspend has been received, we can start to apply for the next grant. This will be for £9000, less the grant which has just ended, leaving approx. £3500. JT agreed to progress this.
Item 6 – Any Other Business
Norwood house: A request was made to consider 20 Old Brandon Lane (Norwood House) for inclusion in the list of non-designated heritage assets, which was agreed. JT to write to the Parish Council Clerk to ask him to reply.
Item 7 – Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be at 8pm, 29 May, and provisionally 26 June.