23/01/2018 SC Minutes
Meeting held at 8.00 pm Tuesday, 23 January 2018
At the Library, Main Street, Shadwell.
Item 1 - To open the meeting and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies; from AP, ES, DT.
Present; JT (Chair) DP, IH, PB, DP, NM.
Item 2 - To agree the Minutes from 12 December 2017, and briefly discuss any updates relating to those minutes.
Agreed, and will be uploaded to the website.
Item 3 - The “Policy Intentions” document was discussed, guided by PB.
It was substantially agreed, but with the following amendments.
At 2.1.2---Objective 9 to be included as a housing policy.
At 4.2.4---change wording to “living in a historic built environment”
At 6.2.2---change wording to “Shadwell”
At ENV 3---add Community Garden “on Colliers Lane”, and Ridge and furrow fields, define the location, as shown in the 1807 Shadwell Enclosure Award Map.
At 10.2.2---add an explanation of the decision to proceed with only two Assets of Community Value, to be requested from the Parish Council Clerk.
At Policy COM 1---correct the name to “The Recreation Centre on Holywell Lane”
Item 4 - Website.
JT reported that it continues to function properly, managed by SD.
Item 5 - Future funding for the NP.
JT reported that Locality are intending to announce details shortly of further funding. This will be investigated in late March.
Item 6 - Any other business.
JT reported that the relevant City Council officer may soon be able to make progress with Holywell Triangle Conservation Area appraisal document.
Item 7 - Date of next meeting.
27 February. Proposed further meetings, Tuesday 27 March and Tuesday 24 April tbc.