24/07/2018 SC Agenda


Meeting to be held at 8pm, Tuesday, 24 July 2018

At the Library, Main Street, Shadwell.


  1. To open the meeting, accept apologies for absence, and seek a volunteer to write the draft Minutes, based on previous Minutes documents.

  2. To agree the Minutes from 29 May 2018, and briefly discuss any updates relating to those minutes.

  3. Photos for the revised NP document. Many thanks to HDJ and NM for their serious amount of work taking the many photos, and passing them to PB for inclusion, as required, in the draft document.

  4. Funding. JT. The recent new Grant application was successful, and the funds were received by the Parish Council on 22 June 2018.The Grant period will run until 31 March 2019. Any unspent funds can be kept for appropriate use later.

  5. Holywell Triangle Conservation Area Appraisal. JT. Update—revisions made, as requested by the Conservation Officer. The revised draft document passed to PB for comments in relation to the NP and help with MS Publisher issues.

  6. Draft NP document, update and discussion. PB. With reference to LCC informal comments (green spaces feedback, etc.) Also, to consider reinstating some guidance or policy about development in gardens, following advice from LCC. Under what circumstances, if any, might it be good practice? The document is nearly ready for the pre-submission public consultation. Consider how and when to do this consultation, with advice from AB (LCC), who has been invited to attend this meeting.

  7. Any other business.

  8. Date of next meeting, which is dependent on the state of the draft document, and the date of the proposed public pre-submission public consultation. Consider no meeting in August, then meeting on Tuesday 11 September, if appropriate.