14/11/2014 SC Minutes
Minutes of the Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Held on Thursday, 13 November 2014 at Shadwell Library
PRESENT: Debbie Potter (Chair), George Crowther, Ian Halmshaw, Helen Jordan, Nick Manaton, Alice Pratt, Jeremy Thompson, Peter Baker
APOLOGIES: Steve Gee, Andy McKinley, Graham Smith, Norman Taylor, Denise Trickett
Item 1 – Apologies for absence
As noted above
Item 2 – Minutes from 21 October 2014
Item 3 – Matters outstanding from 21 October
No matters outstanding
Item 4 – Open Day
- Saturday, 29 November in the Scout Hut from 10 am until 1 pm. Steering Group members to be there at 9.30 am. Debbie to find out when the key is available.
- DT, NM, JT, DP available. Please attend and help.
- Catering: Sue Thompson and Barbara Jordan have offered to arrange catering and will buy necessary provisions! Helen offered to make buns.
- Display Boards: These were inspected and it was agreed which we should use. The boards from David Pick are also available. Debbie to chase. Jeremy/Nick to collect the boards in advance for preparation.
- Display Material: Peter to produce and these will be finished by 26 November to allow the boards to be prepared in advance. This will be attached to sheets and fixed to the boards with Velcro. PB to purchase Velcro.
- Copies of Issues and Options: Jeremy will arrange the printing of 60 copies of the documents – 50 for the event and 10 for Group members.
- Debbie to purchase post it notes and pens.
- Questionnaire and Issue & Options to go on Website. Ian will forward to Steve.
- Flyers: These were distributed to members for delivery.
- Debbie to check that the Library is free Thursday, 9 am, 27 November.
Item 5 – Health Centre
Off shots of existing health centres are possible.
Item 6 – Hobberley Lane land
Jeremy has confirmed the ownership of the land.
Item 7 – Grant Report
This had been forwarded.
A document had been received which was mainly concerning the bridge funding. However this was not relevant to us for reasons on 3 different pages! We need to know if the funding regime is to continue. Do we really need to send the money back, and if so, what do we do in the interim.
Item 8 – Website
This has now been updated.
Item 9 – Any other Business
Referendum: As these are normally held at the same time as elections, it would be reasonable to expect the Shadwell Referendum to take place in May 2016.
Item 10 – Date of Next Meeting
This will be on Tuesday, 13 January 2015.