08/11/2016 SC Minutes


Held on Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Shadwell Library.



1. Apologies for absence

Apologies confirmed: IH, AP, AM, GS, NT

Present: DP (chair), GC, HJ, NM, JT, DT, PB


2. NP Website

This can be viewed via Shadwell Parish Council site, About Shadwell, NP – the NP V2 Draft plan can be viewed there.  It was agreed we all need to re-read the document to remind ourselves just what has been done so far.


3. Update from Peter Baker

We have Version 2 of our Pre-submission Consultation Draft. This has been to the Council, and comments received back from Ian Mackay.  Amendments to the plan are required as a result of this. 

The Committee should go through the draft to make sure it is still all relevant. 

Check we have enough evidence for the policies we have agreed. We may need hard evidence of some things – ie gathering evidence and figures.

We need to publicise and arrange an official consultation with an open day. 

Need to send out to stakeholders.  More amendments after this.  Then send back to the Council for examination and referendum. 

The Examiner can throw out the plan, accept the plan, or ask for changes – and it is usually the latter. 

Before examination, we have to ensure the plan complies with National, local and EU policy. 

Peter estimated it will take a year from going to Council.

As far as LCC is concerned, we have just come to another end of consultation period, more sites could have been added during this time.  Publication in the next few months will show if anything has changed for Shadwell.


4. Next Steps

Group to read the plan.

Ian Mackay’s comments to be added – by Peter

Peter to draw up a Timetable, showing specific tasks required.


5. Grant Funding

Jeremy to investigate any funding still available. 


6. Any Other Business

Website:  We need to take charge of the website, and Debbie was asked to arrange for a letter to be sent from SPC.


7. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 17 January 2017 – 7.30 pm in the library.