24/07/2018 SC Minutes


Meeting held at 8 pm on Tuesday, 24th July 2018
At Shadwell Library, Main Street, Shadwell


P R E S E N T: Jeremy Thompson, Chair
  Ian Halmshaw
  Helen Jordan
  Nick Manaton
  Debbie Potter
In attendance: Peter Baker
  Abbey Miladinovic (LCC)

Item 1 – Apologies for absence

Apologies from DT, ES, AP.

Item 2 – To agree minutes

Minutes from 29 May 2018 were agreed.

Item 3 – Photos for the revised NP

PB confirmed that he had received all the photographs and was in the process of allocating them to the document but was awaiting any remaining text revisions before finally formatting the draft document. HJ and NM were thanked for their efforts in taking the many photographs.

Item 4 – Funding

JT reported the recent successful Grant application. The Grant period runs until 31 March 2019. Any unspent funds can be kept for appropriate use later, and does not have to be returned.

Item 5 – Holywell Triangle Conservation Area Assessment

JT reported that most revisions required by LCC have been made, and the draft document passed to PB for further advice and comments in relation to the NP, and help with MS Publisher, who confirmed that the matter is ongoing, and that he was hopeful that the document could be submitted at the same time as the draft NP, so that the public consultations could run concurrently.

Item 6 – Draft NP document and discussion

PB had set out various amendments in an email circulated to all committee members.

  • To include gardens with ENV2 Trees and Gardens - agreed.
  • To show the images in Appendix A - NDHAs appraisals. Further images will be added to Appendix B – character area appraisal and Appendix C – Local Green Spaces. Assessment of non-designated heritage assets - agreed. PB indicated he would double check one item for inclusion: another ridge and furrow field had been identified which might also include evidence of strip lynchets. Further evidence was being sought.
  • To show the guidance added to Appendix B - Character Areas appendix. In the appraisals, the Stricklands has been split off from Ash Hills, as the layout and character is actually very different, and added Key Characteristics to each area, reflected in the guidance. Design guidance- agreed, with the additional proviso that the guidance should state that building in gardens is "generally undesirable in principle".

Pre-submission documents. PB indicated that he requires some maps for local green spaces.

AM confirmed that these had been ordered.

AM also outlined the problems caused to the Strategic Environmental Assessment process. An obscure case law from the European court of Justice means that LCC are now having to retrospectively check all submissions and this is causing delays.

Pre-submission public consultation

PB outlined the previous consultation process and requested guidance from AM who confirmed that the committee was required to demonstrate that good efforts to consult had been made.

After some discussion the following was agreed:

  • The consultation process would start on 22 September and end on 3 November 2018.
  • A short summary of the plan and an invitation to attend a consultation meeting would be sent out by letterbox drop to all householders.
  • Publicity item in the Parish Council newsletter and the 'Shadwell Village chat and community' group on Facebook.
  • A consultation drop-in exhibition/event on 20 October, with the leaflet drop late September.

AM agreed to send copies of explanatory leaflets and comments sheet templates used by other Neighbourhood Planning groups, for reference.

JT volunteered to prepare the item for inclusion in the newsletter.

Item 7 – Any Other Business

Agreed, that for the consultation period there should be a 'submit only' email address, or similar, such as a template form within a web-page, for the public to submit their views. JT to explore this. Also, there would be the option of using a paper version of the same template form, to be completed and left at the Post Office or Library.

Item 8 – Date of next meeting

It was agreed there would be no meeting in August.
Next meeting on 11 September at 8pm in the Library.