30/04/2019 SC Minutes


Advisory Group Meeting held at 8 pm Tuesday, 30 April 2019
At Shadwell Library


P R E S E N T: J Thompson, Chair
  D Potter
  N Manaton
In attendance: P Baker - Consultant

Item 1 – Apologies for absence

Apologies from HJ, IH, AM, AP, DT.

Item 2 – To agree minutes

Minutes from 22 November 2018 were agreed.

Item 3 – To consider the action list from JTs email of 5 March 2019. Progress and Updates.

  1. Holywell Triangle CAA. Awaiting reply from Phil Ward, LCC Conservation Team. JT and the Parish Council have chased, but no progress yet. DP to chase again, and PB will be meeting PW on 3 May.
  2. Discuss progress on the addition of the school and tennis club to the list of Community Facilities. JT to contact Parish Clerk.
  3. Boundary stones. Following research, the stones at the entrance to Dan Quarry and in the field at the back of Holywell Park to be included as heritage assets.
  4. It was decided not to include Ash Hill Lane wood in the list of Local Green Spaces.
  5. After taking advice, it is considered that the Reg 14 and Reg 16 consultation periods provide the opportunities for landowners of Local Green Spaces to comment and they also have access to the website, which is kept up to date.
  6. and
  7. Policy HOU1. The feedback from Leeds City Council is that the introductory text for the policy already effectively explains how the policy should be interpreted and used, as well as contextualising it through reflecting on development proposals that are likely to come forward in Shadwell It was agreed that the Policy should only apply to development of three or more houses, in which no fewer than a third should be appropriate for elderly people, or have one or two bedrooms. (Wording may need further consideration)
  8. An unamended copy of the original 1807 Inclosures Map was located, thanks to Shadwell Local History Society. PB to amend the draft Plan.
  9. It was agreed that SPC should add footpaths to the list of projects.

Item 4 – To consider the amendments to the NP Pre-submission document following the Reg 14 consultation, as included in NP Submission draft V1 document, and approve if possible.

Document approved, as current, but still to have some further minor amendments to include the results of discussion on item 3 above.

Item 5 - Basic Conditions Statement

To consider, and approve if possible.

Approved, subject to minor amendments.

Item 6 - A Consultation Document is needed.

PB to produce this.

Item 7 - Holywell Triangle CAA

Progress report. This was already dealt within Item 3.1.

Item 8 - AOB

JT stated that no further Locality grants are available, and that the recent end of grant report was submitted on time.

Item 9 - Further meetings

It is not possible yet to propose a date for the next meeting. To considered later.