12/12/2017 SC Minutes


Meeting held at 8.00 pm Tuesday, 12 December 2017

At the Library, Main Street, Shadwell.


Item 1 - To open the meeting, and accept apologies for absence.

Apologies: from DP, AP, NM, ES, DT.

Present: JT, IH, PB.


Item 2 - To agree the Minutes from 7 November 2017, and briefly discuss any updates relating to those minutes.

Agreed, and will be uploaded to the website.


Item 3 - Shadwell Community Walkabout, 2 December. Discussion about the report written by PB.

PB had made several amendments to his report following members suggestions, which were agreed, and a further item was raised, the milestone on Shadwell Lane, which will be added to the report, and which will then be uploaded to the website.


Item 4 - Website updates, brief update. JT.

The content and software of the website has now been fully updated by SD, and is functioning properly, with satisfactory backup arrangements.


Item 5 - Future funding, and the new NP support person at Leeds City Council.

There is a possibility of some limited funding from the Wellbeing Fund. It would only fund projects within the Plan, such as help to publish the “Policy and Intentions” paper. JT will investigate other funding in the New Year. The new City Council NP support person is Abbie Miladinovic.


Item 6 - Any Other Business.

The Steering Group has suggested some Assets of Community Value to the Parish Council, who then added several more to the list. The PC Clerk investigated the process and advised that it was not necessary to apply for all on the list, and intended to proceed initially with just two, namely the Post Office/shop, and the Red Lion, as these most closely match the criteria.


Item 7 - Date of Next Meeting. (To consider, January 9, 16 or 23, 2018).

JT to contact all members to see which date in January 2018 is the best for most members. January 9 was not suitable because PB has too much to do for us prior to the next meeting. It is important to increase the number of attendees.