27/02/2018 SC Minutes
Meeting held at 8.00 pm Tuesday, 27 February 2018
At the Library, Main Street, Shadwell.
Item 1 - To open the meeting and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies: from IH and NM.
Present: JT (Chair) HDJ, DP, PB, DT.
Item 2 - To agree the Minutes from 23 January 2018 and briefly discuss any updates relating to those Minutes.
Agreed, and will be uploaded to the website.
Item 3 - To discuss the recently updated draft version of the Policy Intentions Document (V2 19 Feb) and explanatory notes, as circulated, and arrangements for the Community Consultation exercise to follow, after the document has been considered and agreed by the Committee. PB.
Page 6---4.2.2. Concern was expressed about the timing of the completion of the proposed Holywell Triangle Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, in relation to the draft NP document.
Page 25---14.3. Non-designated Heritage Assets. PB indicated that the City Council Conservation Team could use different criteria in different areas. He proposed to set out the assessment of each asset, but omitting non-relevant criteria.
Page 25---14.3. Amend to Wainscott Cottage.
Page 26---15.3.2. Substitute Colliers Lane for Holywell Lane.
Page 29---Substitute On for ON. Also at 15.3.5. discussion about the width of the road. The Committee felt that signs are required to warn motorists about the restricted width at the bend.
Page 33---16.3.4. Substitute village green for Dan Quarry.
Page 34---16.3.8. Delete the extra “the”.
Page 35---Substitute community gardens for tennis courts, and substitute Colliers Lane and Main Street for Gateland Lane.
Page 36---17.1.2. PB suggested that, in support of the Community Facilities policy (COM1) proposals, hard evidence should be collected about individual and group use of each facility to show the benefits of having such assets, and to give support for concerns if a facility risks closure.
The Community Facilities included in the policy at present are:
- The Post Office
- The Red Lion public house
- Shadwell Independent Library and Arts Centre
- Shadwell Recreational Centre, Holywell Lane
- The Village Hall
- The Scout Hut
- St Paul's Church
- The Methodist Church
It was agreed that the Parish Council should approach representatives of each asset for feedback on usage, a.s.a.p. and that this information would be required before the Community Consultation takes place. PB confirmed that assets would be identified by map reference.
The Committee discussed other possible buildings to be included in the Non-designated Heritage Asset section. PB advised that it would be necessary to justify the inclusion of such buildings, and indicated that once the assessment at 14.3 is completed the draft Shadwell Neighbourhood Plan document can be sent to LCC. The Committee agreed that real progress is now being made.
It was agreed that 7 April would be the provisional date for the Community Consultation exercise, to be held at the Library to start at 10 am and end at 12 noon, or a bit later if busy. JT to check with the Librarian. Display cards of maps and plans of green spaces etc. should be put on view, and some printed copies of the draft NP should be available for the public. The most recent version of the updated draft Plan should be made available on the website, and the event should be advertised in the Shadwell News and elsewhere.
Item 4 - Any other business?
JT asked if the full 97 pages of responses to the original survey should be uploaded to the website. It was decided that this would be too large, but the bar charts of responses should be uploaded to maximise impact. However, the whole document would be made available for the Inspector.
Item 5 - Date of next meeting.
27 March. Proposed further meeting, Tuesday 24 April tbc.