10/01/2013 SC Minutes
Minutes of Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
10 January 2013
Present: Debbie Potter – Chair (DP), Denise Simpson (DS), George Crowther (GC), Alice Pratt (AP), Rob Wilkinson (RW), Graham Smith (GS), Helen Jordan (HJ), Steve Gee (SG), Ian Halmshaw (IH), Jamie Gadong (JG)
Apologise: A McKinlay, K McKinlay, R Dyson, D Trickett, J Thompson, N Mannerton and M Westmorland
Item 1 - Open the meeting
Attendance and apologies as above.
Item 2 - Previous Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on the 29 November 2012 were approved. The numbering in the minutes jumped from section 9 to 11 and it was noted that there were no agenda items 9 to 11.
Item 3 - Matter Arising
Item 4 - Report on LLC Neighbourhood Plans Project Board
DP and RW had attended this on behalf of Shadwell and had found the meeting useful. They reported the following to the meeting:
It had been reported at the meeting that the number of houses for the area had been reduced to 3,900 and that free standing developments such as that at Thorpe Arch (1,200 dwellings) can now be included in this figure. If the University Farm site on the A64 proceeds this may also be included in the figures
It was also reported that the Core Strategy is to be finalised in the Spring and the Council’s report on the SHLAA’s has been delayed. It is anticipated that the site allocation will commence in March 2013 and there will thereafter be a public consultation on the sites which will happen on a site by site basis.
The various Neighbourhood Plan groups represented at the meeting reported on their progress in the Neighbourhood Planning process as follows:
Harewood They have declared an interest in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan.
Wetherby They have conducted a drop in centre and have distributed letters in respect of the Neighbourhood plan via the school.
Linton They have conducted a survey of the village and had had a return rate of 55%. They had also carried out a Highway Assessment.
Aberford They are conducting monthly steering group meetings and had contacted local land owners.
Bardsley They had held an open day and sent out questionnaires
Collingham They had formed a steering committee and had sent out questionnaires and had had a response rate of 25%
The general feedback from the other groups was that the open days that the various group had held were well attended.
At the meeting Councillor John Proctor and Andrew Birkbeck had commented that we could use the Walton plan as a basis for the Shadwell Neighbourhood plan.
RW noted that the Wetherby Group had got coverage for their questionnaire and plan on Wetherby Radio. RW questioning whether we could get any coverage on Leeds Radio or Look North. It was agreed that RW could be in charge of Media and Press and would explore the possibility.
RW also noted that the issue of conflict of interest was raised at the meeting and whether people who live adjacent to SHLAA sites should be involved in discussions regarding those sites.
Item 5 - Village Questionnaire
IH confirmed that all questionnaires had been allocated for delivery. All questionnaires to be delivered by 13 January 2013.
It was agreed that a piece should be put in the Shadwell News in respect of completing the questionnaire.
It was noted that the independent letter by the councillor has yet to be sent. It was agreed if possible this letter should now be sent to encourage residents to complete and return the questionnaire.
The issue of people filling in multiple questionnaires online to manipulate the results was discussed. It was not considered that this will cause an issue as responses can be monitored by postcode.
DS to email volunteers to ascertain whether anyone has experience that may be useful in analysing the questionnaires once these have been returned.
It was discussed whether a chaser should be sent out to follow up the questionnaire. It was decided that the Steering Committee would wait to see what responses are received after the open day and if necessary posters can be put up in the village and flyers can be delivered if necessary.
It was decided that any spare copies of the questionnaires should be left at the library, post office and Red Lion.
It was agreed that the Steering Committee will meet on 28 January 2013 at 8pm at Shadwell Library for feedback from the Open Day and questionnaire. The Steering Committee will thereafter meet on 28 February 2013 at 8pm at Shadwell Recreation Centre to discuss the questionnaire responses and next steps.
Item 6 - Open Day
The Open Day is to take place at Shadwell Scout Hut on 19 January 2013 from 10am – 1pm.
It was agreed that people attending the Open Day would be asked to sign in and would be given a sheet to write any comments that they may have. The following is to be on display at the Open Day:
- SHLAA Map (IH to arrange for this to copied)
- Old maps of Shadwell detailing development over the years (RW to provide)
- Examples of other Neighbourhood Plans
- Old pictures of Shadwell
- Poster of Neighbourhood Plan Process (GC to arrange)
It was noted that KM had suggested that entertainment be provided for children and that she would arrange the same.
As the Open Day commences at 10am it was agreed that people should meet at the Scout Hall at 9.15am to set up. The rota for the day is as follows:
9.15am to 11am
- Debbie Potter
- Denise Trickett
- George Crowther
- Rob Wilkinson
11am – 1pm
- Jamie Gadong
- Helen Jordan
- Kate/Andy McKinlay
- Alice Pratt
JT is to arrange a banner to be placed outside the Scout Hall to advertise the Open Day.
DS to email volunteers and invite them to attend the Open Day and enquire whether anyone could make some road side signs to advertise the Open Day.
Item 7 - Finance
HJ reported forms had been received from the Bank and these are to be completed in order to open Bank Account.
Item 8 - Project Plan
RW advised that he has circulated his updated project plan by email. He advised that he has amended the project plan to extend this to June 2013.
Item 9 - Communications
IH advised that the questionnaires were ready for distribution.
Item 10 - Dates for open meetings
Not discussed.
Item 11 - Formation of Sub-Committees
RW is to be the Press Sub Committee in order to try and get media coverage of the Neighbourhood Plan.
RW advised that he had started work on static (i.e history of village) areas of the plan based upon the Walton Neighbourhood Plan. At this stage no further work to be undertaken on other sections until confirmation from the Steering Committee.
RW to consider sub committees required to move the plan forwards and report at next meeting.
Item 12 - Website Update
SG provided update on website. The website has had 121 unique visitors.
Item 13 - Update on meeting with possible volunteers - DP/GC
Not discussed.
Item 14 Drafting of Document - RW
Initial draft previously circulated. Not discussed.
Item 15 - A.O.B
RW queried the use of Tony Ray (TR) in the Neighbourhood Plan process. The Steering Committee acknowledged that it has not formerly engaged the services to TR but was happy to use him as a source in the process.
GS advised that NM has not as yet taken pictures of the various sites around the village. NM has been waiting for good weather to take the pictures. It was noted that it would be good if some pictures could be available for the open day of key sites if possible.
SG suggested that an email should be sent to those people who had expressed interest in the Neighbourhood Plan at the Flower Show or via the website to invite them to the Open Day.
DP advised that representatives of the Steering Committee need to meet with the Council’s planner. DP has provided dates for January and February and is waiting for the planners to revert to her. DP is to chase up the planners in this regard.
Item 16 - Next Meetings
- 28 January 2013 at 8pm at Shadwell Library
- 28 February 2013 at 8pm at Shadwell Recreation Centre