11/10/2012 SC Agenda


Meeting to be held at 8.00 pm on Thursday, 11 October 2012

at The Recreational Centre, Holywell Lane


  1. To open meeting and accept apologies for Absence

  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2012 to be approved. (Previously circulated)

  3. Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

  4. SHLAA Sites – To review the surveyed sites and agree recommendations – Sub Committee

  5. Update from LCC meeting – 8 October – on Neighbourhood Planning - Denise Simpson/Graham Smith

  6. Conflict of Interest: Declaration – George Crowther

  7. Finance – update on:
    1. Bank Account
    2. Accountant

  8. Communications Sub Committee
    1. Reports on Communications Plan – Ian Halmshaw
    2. Update on Communications Committee meeting w/c 1.10
    3. Residents Survey
    4. To confirm flyers have been distributed

  9. Formation of Sub-Committees
    1. Overriding Principles
    2. Assets of Value
    3. Development Committee
    4. Improvement Areas
    5. Protected Areas
    6. Map and Photography
    7. Draft Document

  10. To receive update on Website (Steve Gee)

  11. Update on liaison with surrounding Parishes – DP

  12. Update on meeting with possible volunteers – DP/GC

  13. Any other business

  14. Date of next meeting